Ask a Sheep Expert
Have a question about sheep or goats? Premier has partnered with Windy Ridge Veterinary Clinic to offer advice from our combined group of experts. From fencing, grazing, feeding, lambing, health, genetics or general sheep care, we are here to help you and your animals. Information will be provided by our well-trained staff, including Windy Ridge veterinarians, during regular office hours.
If your concern is urgent, go to your nearest emergency clinic or call your local veterinarian.
Veterinary services, procedures, biologicals and drugs mentioned represent the personal opinions and clinical observations of the author. The author is not intending the response to be interpreted as recommendations without the consent of the producer’s own participating veterinarian. Premier 1 Supplies, LLC and Windy Ridge Veterinary Clinic, PLLC strongly urge that producers establish a patient-client-veterinarian relationship.
Meet Our Team

Dan Morrical, Ph.D.
Small Ruminant Nutritionist
Premier 1 Supplies

Larry Goelz, DVM
Windy Ridge Veterinary Clinic
Gordon Shelangoski
Stephanie Sexton
Brenda McArtor
Sara McArtor
Bren Koehler
Tad TeBockhorst
Tatum Thompson