Producer Photos
Photos from Sheep producers throughout the U.S. We invite you to share yours.

A photo provided by McKayla M's Babydoll Southdown in Maryland.

A photo provided by McKayla M's Babydoll Southdown in Maryland.

Finn Cross lambs raised by Pierce D. of Pennsylavania. This backyard crop's destination was Pierce's freezer.

North Country Cheviot and Katahdin cross from Terri Z. of Idaho. She was visiting a friend's flock and found these pregnant ewes feeding.

Taken by Katya Rogers, Washington State.

Taken by Katya Rogers, Washington State.

Taken by Katya Rogers, Washington State.

Taken by Katya Rogers, Washington State.

Taken by Katya Rogers, Washington State.

Taken by Katya Rogers, Washington State.

Here is my purebred Katahdin ram at 11 months old being introduced to the mixed hair ewes last October (2011). He did well with 6 ewes (3 maiden) and produced 183% live births. Carol Baker of New Ross, Indiana.