Worms, worms and more worms…
Controlling parasites in sheep and goats
By G.F. Kennedy, DVM, Pipestone Veterinary Services
Should you run lambs on pasture?
I have received a number of inquires regarding parasite (worm) control. I recently posted a series of short articles on Facebook to address this topic. These posts have been popular, so we've combined them below to send to a wider sheep audience.
The short answer to the question is: No, I do not recommend running lambs on pasture.
Let’s review the situation: We have a ewe and a lamb; the ewe has some resistance to parasitism depending on the individual animal and the breed. The lamb has virtually none. The ewe in the beginning supplied an adequate amount of milk to sustain life and growth. It’s later now and the milk flow is diminished and the lamb needs extra nutrients lush wet grass doesn’t provide. Now add the fact that lambs have virtually no parasite resistance and we have the perfect opportunity for severe parasitism to develop.
Ewes and lambs which have been closely monitored through lambing have had a successful life until turned on pasture. Now the lamb is on its own to fend with worms and coccidiosis while it attempts to survive on inadequate nutrition.
By the time you factor in the dead, lambs weaned in the fall weigh no more than they did as a group when initially turned out. When placed on feed, lambs will have a 7:1 conversion verses a 3:1 conversion if they never saw grass. And they generally are marketed at a time when prices are seasonally lower.
What’s the solution? If you have extra grass, run more ewes.
Dewormers explained—
When it comes to wormers there are a lot of choices. Ivermectin drench and injectable, Cydectin drench, Valbazen, Safe-guard, Dectomax, levamisole and a feed product, Goat Dewormer Concentrate containing Morantel Tartrate. They are all effective in the right situation. Basically, it boils down to:
- White wormers such as Valbazen and Safe-guard.
- Ivermectins such as Cydectin, Ivomec, Dectomax and levamisole, which is marketed as Prohibit or LevaMed.
- The outlier is the goat dewormer.
So which should you choose?
I see no reason to use a white dewormer unless you are in a fluke area and then I would choose Valbazen. When using white wormers the dosage can be increased without a problem.