NSIP Online Sale & Webinar
3 days, July 8–10
Online bidding closes at 7pm (Central) each day
Due to COVID19, the National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP) has canceled the in-person Center of the Nation Sheep Sale for 2020.
Instead, excellent rams and ewes from multiple breeds will be available via an online-only sale to be held July 8–10. Visit Willoughby Livestock Sales to register.
Before the sale, be sure to attend a FREE educational webinar on July 7th presented by Dr. Dan Morrical, Premier’s Small Ruminant Nutritionist.
Dr. Morrical will explain how to use Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s) when selecting animals for your own flock. Dr. Morrical is heavily involved in providing educational resources to the sheep industry and was responsible for starting NSIP in 1987.
Because an online auction will be new to most, Willoughby Sales will also provide a tutorial on how to navigate the bidding process during the webinar on July 7th.