Try our New! BlitzLight™
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Simple |
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Bright "blue" spark |
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Attaches to netting or permanent fences |
Visible more than 500 ft at night if located where there is no other light. Flashes with every pulse over 3000v (unlike the Volt Alarm which flashes when the pulse is below 3000v). For energizers 0.5 joule or larger. Operates similar to a fence tester — with a ground probe and fence clip.
View our "How-to Video" (below)
Netting with scent caps discourage deer from coming back!
Need to encourage deer and other critters to leave your garden or tree plantings alone and look elsewhere for their next meal? Try using netting with apple scent filled scent caps.
Install Deer QuikFence™ and bait with apple scented scent caps. Deer will be drawn to the scent, inspect the scent cap and receive an unpleasant shock, deterring them from returning to your garden in the future.
See Premier's Deer Exclusion Fences.
Now is the time to protect your garden...
If you want your garden to be as lush and bountiful as the one above, you must start protecting it as soon as you plant. Why? It is much easier to deter animals from your garden before they become accustomed to it as a food source. So stop critters before they become a problem.
Here are a few tips to guard your plants and produce from pests:
1. Netting
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VersaNets® 9/20/3 and 11/30/3 are often used for keeping shorter critters (rabbits, raccoons, opossums and small dogs) out of gardens. A "Plus" version with added posts is available to adapt to gardens with curves and corners. Since VersaNet is short enough for a human to step over, it's better for areas that experience low deer pressure. |
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Deer QuikFence™ 5/60/12. This netting is tall (60") for heavy deer areas, visible and requires little maintenance (the lowest strand is 12" above the ground). |
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RaccoonNet™ 4/18/12 is a more practical net for keeping raccoons out of sweet-corn patches. Raccoons are notorious for their addiction to sweet corn, preferring it just a few days or a week before we humans best enjoy it! |
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PoultryNet™ 12/42/3 is a useful netting for keeping your free-range feathered friends out of the garden. We use PoultryNet to keep our wandering ducks and nearby sheep out of the garden (see photo below). The netting will also deter deer; however, we experience low deer pressure thanks to our livestock guardian dogs. A "Plus" version (with extra posts) is also available. |
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Feral HogNet™ 10/24/12 or 4/18/12 can be used for those with feral hog problems, in both wet and dry areas. It's one of our shorter height nets (18" or 24") since hogs can't jump. The bright white color makes it very visible to pigs and other critters at night. |
2. Multistrand Fences
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For deer, set up a 3-D anti-deer fence. A fence with height and width as well as depth confuses deer and causes landing anxiety. They'll leave your garden alone and go off to find another to plunder. |
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A shorter multistrand fence with the lowest strand 4" above the soil will stop most raccoons and larger pests. |
3. Accessories
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Scent Caps with Apple Scent encourage deer to inspect the fence. When they touch their noses to the conductive scent caps, they receive a shock and the knowledge to give such fences a wide berth. |
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BlitzLights, aside from letting you know whether or not your fence has 3000v or more running through it, this device also attracts animals to inspect the source of the flashing light and thus receive a shock, which discourages them from checking out the fence next time around. |
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Energizers — make sure to properly energize any electric fence you build. For our full line of solar energizers, click here. |
Did you know that Premier has a garden? We do! Premier employee Adrian has been getting it ready when he's not helping out in the lambing barn.
Adrian (like many others) is preparing the garden for another year of production by working the soil and starting seedlings indoors (see photo above). Thus far he has started and potted tomatoes, basil, parsley, peppers, chives and much more in the greenhouse. He even has some potatoes in the ground! Soon our garden will have sprouts of green popping up through the browns and grays of last year's crop. Premier shares the produce with all the employees.
The photo below shows Premier's garden already protected by electrified netting. It may not look like much, but there are potatoes beneath the soil and soon the started plants (photo above) will be in the ground. We're protecting it now so we don't have an issue with pests later. Waiting until it happens produces an unpleasant result!
Protect young trees from rabbits, deer and wind during the critical first years.
TreeGuards are 3" to 4" diameter, 36" tall, double-walled, UV-resistant plastic tubes that prevent deer and rabbits from feeding on a seedling or young sapling while it is protected inside the tube. TreeGuards can be cut into shorter lengths as preferred.
Most important — TreeGuards allow herbicide to be sprayed around the guard without risk to the seedling. (Weeds steal both light and moisture — and thereby may stunt more tree seedlings than deer or rabbits.)
These Guards are supported by 3/8" FiberRod™ posts that you thread through precut holes in the TreeGuards and set into the soil.
Testimonial from one of our Premier employees...
Our house seems to be at a crossroad for both high winds and deer traffic. We were in desperate need of a windbreak to the north and the west. After we planted a combination of 250 coniferous and deciduous seedlings, the local deer wiped out our emerging windbreak in a matter of weeks.
We replanted, this time with TreeGuards around each seedling. Both deer and rabbits were instantly deterred. We occasionally have young bucks that rub the TreeGuards up and off the seedlings, but the Guards are rarely damaged and are easily put back on. The Guards also make spraying and mowing around each seedling an easier task. The TreeGuards (along with a Great Pyrenees that has been trained to guard the trees as if they are her flock) have saved the second planting of our windbreak, and in a few more years our house won't rattle so much in the wind.
Helpful Tip: There is a learning curve to assembling TreeGuards. We take the time to insert the FiberRods ahead of time and then drive along our planting with an ATV bed full of assembled TreeGuards. We also push the FiberRods into the soil by hand. It's a lot easier when you place the plastic Drive Cap on the top of the rod before pushing it down. Your palms will thank you!
Cheyenne Miller, Premier Product Development