New! 2014 Fence Booklet
It includes, along with our standard products, the following new items:
HotShock® & IntelliShock& Energizers
(Expected mid-April 2014.)
Low-cost, new design! 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 joule units that use either battery or plug-in power.
IntelliShock DC units are variable draw—that means they use less energy when the fence is clean, thus increasing battery life and reducing cost.
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Corner Roller—Prevents conductors from slipping off. Smooth roller prevents wear on conductors. Safer—plastic pin breaks if a horse crashes into fence. |
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Double Pigtail Offset—Holds conductors on opposite sides of wooden post. For use with rope and narrow tape. Tolerates moderate up/down strain. |
Stainless Steel Spring Gate
New stainless steel option. This gate is popular and effective. It fully retracts if expanded. Uncoiled spring measures 16 ft.
ElectroStop 10/42/12 effectively contains both does and kids.
Premier is the source of 80% of the USA's electric netting. And we're the world leader for new netting designs and uses!
Why Premier “knows” netting…
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We’ve used it for 44 years (since 1970)—longer than anyone in the US. |
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It’s in use 24/7 at Premier to fence sheep, goats, poultry and dogs in—and to fence deer, coyotes, and stray dogs out. |
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We talk daily to netting users nationwide—who let us know what they like and/or dislike; when it works and when and why it doesn’t. |
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View our Netting Comparison Chart to compare all of our nets. |
We have 3 netting videos available:
Our IntelliShock 77B attached to an energizer support box. You can also attach a solar panel to help keep the battery charged. This is a convenient way to electrify fences for short durations.
Which unit is right for you?
The size, in pulse energy output (range from .5 joule to 2 joules), depends almost entirely on the weed contact that will occur and the length of the fence.
Contact Premier or call 800-282-6631 to speak with one of our fence consultants for assistance in determining the best energizer for your needs. We have a unique 2-year rapid replacement warranty on all of our energizers.
For help in choosing an energizer, view our energizer comparison charts online or in Premier's fencing catalog.
Goats are both curious and intelligent. That’s why the only portable fence that stops both adult and young goats is ElectroStop® electrified netting. Regrettably, animals with horns, like this nanny, are at greater risk of becoming entangled by the horns in netting. To reduce the risk, keep the voltage high and properly train animals to the fence!
Before you buy or build a fence
Q. What is the fence’s location? Is it flat? Or does it go over hills and ditches and around curves? Is it covered with brush, trees or open grass? Are the soils rocky, very soft, sandy or firm?
A. The optimum fence design often hinges on answers to these questions.
Q. Do the animals know the fence?
A. Local animals and wildlife get to “know” a fence by appearance, location and “pain memory.” If it’s a strong or painful fence they avoid it. On the other hand new animals just off a truck often charge into permanent fences and straight through temporary or semi-permanent fences. That’s why strong, tall, visible permanent fences are essential for corrals and feedlots. Temporary fences that are not physically strong pose the greatest risk of escape to newly acquired animals. It pays to train them to it inside of a permanent fence.
Q. What specific animals need to be fenced in or out?
A. Always design and build for the most difficult species. Rules of thumb:
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Most sheep and goat fences will stop cattle and horses. The inverse is not always true. |
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Fencing adult males (bulls, rams, stallions, billies) in/out during breeding season requires taller fences with closer wire/strand spacing and more powerful electric pulses (in joules, not volts). |
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Fences for mixed sizes (does with kids, etc.) need more strands than uniform animal groups. |
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Certain breeds need better fences (e.g. flighty breeds will need more imposing fences). |
Q. Should you energize the fence?
A. It pays to do this. Why?
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A “hot” strand has a “zone of pain”. So fewer strands are needed if one is energized. Both the material and the labor to install is reduced. |
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Energized fences last longer and require less maintenance—because animals do not crowd, rub or scratch on them. So the fence wires (including wires that are not energized) require less tension to do their job. And braces and corner posts will last longer. |
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Animals are more surely contained or excluded during breeding and weaning. |
Q. How keen will animals be to breach the fence line?
A. Build for the worst-case situation (if you can afford to do so). Some situations that require more secure fences:
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Hunger. Starved animals will eventually challenge most fences. |
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Weaning. Strong physical barriers are needed. |
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Breeding. Libido induces all creatures to challenge rules and especially fences. |
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Boredom. Animals in corrals, stalls and feedlots crave any “entertainment” or activity. |
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Gateways and handling yards. Animals often push each other into fences when being moved. |
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Fear and fright. Predators or loud noises can cause “prey” species (e.g. horses, goats, turkeys) to run in terror straight into, under, over or through any fence, no matter what fence design (netting, high-tensile or woven wire). |
Temporary…moved daily or weekly
Temporary or portable fences are quick to install and remove. To eliminate the need for large end and corner posts, the fence strands (whether single, multiple or a mesh/netting) must be only hand-tensioned. And they must be electrified properly.
(see photo at right) Using ElectroStop 10/42/12 for forest reclamation with Boer goats. Photos by Clay and Linda T. They work with their local Soil and Water Conservation District to control invasive plant species with Boer Bok goats.
Semi-Permanent…moved once per season
Can be an interim barrier until a more permanent fence is installed. This allows folks to field-test fence and gate locations to see what works best. Usually consists of electrified net or multiple electrified strands under low tension—supported by stronger/thicker posts than temporary fences.
(see photo at right) Three-strand fence supported by Premier's white Pigtail Step-in Post. We have found this post to be easier to use than most plastic step-in-posts—and they don't break.
Permanent…never moved
Can be an interim barrier until a more permanent fence is installed. This allows folks to field-test fence and gate locations to see what works best. Usually consists of electrified net or multiple electrified strands under low tension—supported by stronger/thicker posts than temporary fences.
(see photo at right) 32" High-Tensile Woven Wire with High-Tensile Smooth upper wires and offset "hot" wires. An excellent fence that's reliable in all seasons. Needs virtually no maintenance. Also stops most coyotes and dogs.