42" tall (best for heavy breeds)
PoultryNetÂŽ Plus 12/42/3
Arrives to your door as a complete roll with the line posts already built in. Best for heavy breeds such as Orpingtons and Wyandottes. Keeps in chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and peacocks.
Add more length… from $106 per 50' roll
48" tall (active, flighty birds)
PoultryNetÂŽ Plus 12/48/3
Choose this fence if you plan to move the fence daily/weekly and have light or flighty breeds such as Leghorns and Buttercups. Protects birds from predators such as foxes, coyotes and dogs.
Add more length… from $111 per 50' roll
48" tall (not often moved)
PermaNetÂŽ Plus 12/48/3
Same as PoultryNetÂŽ Plus, but has stronger, larger posts to withstand the effects of wind, rain, ice and snow much better than normal netting. PermaNetÂŽ is a âless worriesâ option.
Add more length… from $188 per 50' roll