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Immediate Openings at Premier
Sales Phone Person
Position Summary: Talk to customers about our products and be able to patiently respond to their concerns.
Requirements: Phone and people skills. Able to learn and explain use/misuse of animal clippers, ear tags, electric fence, etc. Prior animal experience preferable-particularly sheep, goats, horses and outdoor poultry.
Purchasing Assistant
Position Summary: We buy product from all over the world. Our purchasing manager is retiring in 2 years. Will assist him to organize orders and delivery.
Requirements: Proficiency in Excel, Word. Operate forklifts.
Work Experience: Prior experience in purchasing.
Premier offers health/dental/life ins. benefits, 401K-plus annual merit bonuses.
To apply for either of these positions, please send your resume by email to bmcartor@premier1supplies.com.
Correction Notice
Premier's Dec 20 newsletter erred in indicating that Stan Potratz was the Director of the Agric Dept at Ambassador College in England from 1969 to 1974. Colin Sutcliffe, an Australian, was the Director. Stan was his assistant. Mr. Sutcliffe was Stan's mentor. He contributed enormously to Stan's post-college education and development. We regret the error.
A report about Premier's new 2013 lambing system
One of the 3 sets of quads we've had so far this year. Both the ewe and her lambs are doing well.
Premier made a major change in our breeding/lambing system for our 800 ewes this year. We switched from pasture lambing 80% of the ewes (with a Dec breeding season) to shed lambing 50/week (in a heated barn without drop pens) 75% from Feb through April.
This article explains why we made this change and our initial lambing results.
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2013 "Fences that Work!" catalog
Look for Premier's new annual catalog "Fences that Work — from folks who use them every day!" in your mailbox mid-March.
This year, in addition to our products that have pleased both Premier and our customers for years, we're offering the following new products:
New Products Now available:
NoShock Chick Fence Nonelectrifiable netting for containing chicks and adult birds.
BlitzLight Clips onto the fence and produces a "spark" with every pulse over 3000v. It's a simple way to see if a fence is "hot" and has adequate voltage.
Need to know how to install Premier's new BlitzLight? Click on video above.
New Products Coming soon:
FiberTuff Support Posts Self-insulating netting support post for curves and corners. Contains fiberglass "ribs" for added strength.
Sheep QuikFence Considered a superior semi-permanent fence by some users because the lowest strand (which is energized) is suspended 7" above the soil instead of resting on the soil.
ElectroFence Plus 11/48/12 ElectroFence (PermaNet with strutted verticals) with extra line posts-so they are closer together. Adapts readily to terrain and fenceline changes.
Ez Digital Fence Voltmeter A digital fence tester that's easier to carry and use because it doesn't require a ground probe.
PoultryNet HotGate Turn any pair of 19mm end posts into an easy-to-use gate for netting.
HotGate Handle Kit This handle kit inserts on two .75" end posts, making it easy to get in/out of a pasture or poultry yard.
Prepare for chick season — How-to set up a brooder
It seems that the cold and blustery days are the ones that coincide with the box of chicks arriving from the hatchery. The "keep away from drafts" statement on the side of the package is never more important.
It's those chilly days that make the chick brooder even more important. The brooder protects chicks from drafts and predators. It needs to be a well-ventilated, secure structure that keeps the chicks close to warmth, food and water, both day and night.
The reuseable brooder helps keeps chicks safe and reduces the exposure to cold drafts. Fit the brooder with a heat lamp, feeder and waterer. If using a single brooder concentrate shavings in one area. If using multiple brooders, spread shavings over the whole brooding area.
Our preferred brooder is a series of interconnected cardboard or plastic panels. For the first few days we place several sheets of newspaper on the floor for the chicks. After they gain leg strength and learn to eat from the feeders, we put pine shavings on top of the newspaper.
A heat lamp with a heat lamp stand provides both warmth and light. We hang the heat lamp about 18 inches above the floor, lowering it if the chicks huddle beneath the light (they're too cold) and raising it if they stay near the edges of the brooder (they're too warm).
Check out our line of poultry feeders and waterers for birds of all ages and sizes. We have you covered from chick to chicken!
Warm Milk Feeding Orphan Lambs
by Gordon Garrison
Back in the 1970s when I started raising sheep, I soon learned that to be successful I would need a workable, efficient orphan-lamb feeding system. After studying the methods used to feed veal calves, I adopted a warm-milk feeding system.
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