How does a heating plate work?
The underside of the plate is heated—the chicks go under the plate and touch their backs to it. This simulates how a mother hen keeps her chicks warm.
Will the plate be too hot?
If the chicks get too warm, they can and do move out from under it. Use the yellow legs to change the height so chicks just touch the underside of the plate. As chicks grow, raise the plate by adjusting the yellow legs.
Advantages Over a Heat Lamp
- Uses less electricity. Only 15–66 watts!
- Less risk of fire because of the lower surface temperature (only 125°).
- Field observation: Birds raised under plates appear more calm than those reared under lamps.
To reduce chicks climbing on top of the heater, use a Heating Plate Cover. This will reduce the ability for chicks to perch on the plate.
Available in 3 sizes: