The Heiniger ONE Shearing Machine makes a back-breaking job much easier by being reliable and able to do the job without hesitation. It’s the go-to shearing machine for large flock shearing.

The two diagrams above demonstrate a typical shearing pattern.
Six key points of good shearing
- Control of the sheep—get right down over the sheep and “become part of it.”
- Positive hand—know exactly where the handpiece has to go; don’t poke, be positive with all blows.
- Good wrist—must be flexible and supple to ensure comb points stay on the skin.
- Return action—must be fast, close to the sheep and taken no further back than the start of the next blow; wasted inches are wasted effort.
- Left hand—use it confidently to prepare the way for the handpiece.
- Rhythm and timing—develop a rhythm so the shearing of each section runs smoothly into the next.
Download a PDF Step by Step Shearing Instructions
View an instructional video demonstrated and narrated by Ivan Kaden, professional shearer.