Catron® IV
Product Details
The best product for treating sheep with fly-strike. Treats from 1–10 animals depending on the severity.
- For use on wounds to kill and repel flies and fly maggots
- Controls ear ticks on livestock
- Kills and repels face flies on livestock
Common Uses
- To prevent fly-strike after applying ear tags, spray either side of the tag with a short burst.
- Apply to "O" Rings or elastrator bands after docking or castrating lambs or kids.
Active Ingredient
- Permethrin (CAS No. 52645-53-1) 0.50%
- Other ingredients 99.50%
Listed below are recommended optional components or related items. Your particular situation may require alternative recommendations. Please call and talk to our consultants if there are any questions at 800-282-6631.
Marking Aids
Trigger Handle for Aerosol Spray Cans
Item #604300 -Spray can accessory snaps onto aerosol cans for precise control while spraying. Reduces hand fatigue and protects fingers from overspray.
$6.00 -
Docking and Castrating
Ring Expander
Item #702000 -Tool for expanding elastrator rings during docking and castrating of calves, lambs and goat kids. Metal construction.
$18.00 -
Docking and Castrating
Blue Ring Expander
Item #702001 -Docking and castration tool for stretching elastic “O” rings on calves, lambs and goat kids. Reduces chance of fly strike.
$10.00 -
Docking and Castrating
"O" Rings, orange, bag of 100
Item #703000 -Rubber “O” rings for tail docking lambs and castrating ram-lambs and goat kids. 100 latex rings per package/container.
$2.25 -
Docking and Castrating
Side Crusher
Item #707200 -Use to crush the spermatic cords of male sheep or goats for the purpose of castration. Comfortable angle on the users hands.
$110.00 -
Docking and Castrating
Item #707100 -Use for castrating ram lambs and buck kids. Crushes the spermatic cord. No need for knives or rubber rings.
$42.00 -
Docking and Castrating
Double Crush Tail Docker
Item #707000 -Crushes the arteries before severing, minimizes the risk of bleeding when docking or castrating lambs or kids.
$72.00 -
Ear Tags
Qwik Tags, (yellow, pkg. 20)
Item #616361 -Temporary nylon loop tag for lambs and goat kids. One-piece design. Can be custom imprinted at Premier. Not hand-writable.
$6.50 -
Ear Tags
MiniTag (yellow, pkg. 20)
Item #609200 -Reliable long-term ear tag for goats and small sheep breeds. Designed to last for the lifespan of the animal. Scrapie approved. FREE custom imprinting!
$12.00 -
Ear Tags
Q-flex 1.2 (yellow, pkg. 20)
Item #630090 -Small temporary ear tag for lambs and kids. Useful for quick stock identification on the farm.
$10.00 -
Ear Tags
Q-flex 1.5 (yellow, pkg. 20)
Item #630031 -Easy-to-read livestock ear tags for lambs, goats and small sheep breeds. Scrapie approved. FREE custom imprinting!
$13.00 -
Ear Tags
Q-flex 3 (yellow, pkg. 20)
Item #630051 -Livestock ear tag for well-suited for adult rams and ewes. Readable by most. USDA Scrapie Eradication Program approved. FREE custom imprinting!
$18.00 -
Ear Tags
Q-flex 5 (yellow, pkg. 20)
Item #630071 -Largest ear tag in our Q-flex line—very easy to read. For adult sheep only. Scrapie approved. FREE custom imprinting!
$20.00 -
Ear Tags
7X Ear Tags (yellow, pkg 20)
Item #617497 -Large readable cattle tags. Differ from many US cattle tags because the male is not a button. The tag is a double-panel so it is readable front or back.
$22.00 -
Ear Tags
Z Tag, One Piece Calf (yellow, pkg 25)
Item #620102 -Excellent first ear tag for calves. Proven superior retention. Self-piercing tip and flexible design resists snagging on wires or brush. Easy application.
$32.00 -
Ear Tags
Z Tag, Long Neck Calf (yellow, pkg. 25)
Item #620116 -One-piece ear tag for cattle ID. Long neck for easier reading in winter when animals have longer hair. Self-piercing cutting tip for easy application.
$36.00 -
Ear Tags
Z Tag, One Piece Cow (yellow, pkg 25)
Item #620092 -Premium one-piece ear tag for for adult cattle. Large flag makes it easier to read compared to smaller tags. Easy application. Custom imprinting!
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William C from Pennsylvania
We have used Catron for fly-strike, and it works beautifully. I could not raise sheep and goats without it. A must have!
Michael F from Arizona
Great product!
Sheila & Jim H from Iowa
BEST PRODUCT EVER! Do NOT raise sheep and not have a can or 2 of this in your arsenal. We have sheep in 3 locations. The ewes at one location started to show signs of flystrike! We immediately started treating with Catron and we saw immediate improvement.