Clippers and Shears
Clipping and shearing tools for livestock and show animals, including large clipping and shearing machines, small clippers, and a wide-variety of blades, combs and cutters. Perfect for sheep, goats, cattle, llamas, alpacas, horses, mules, pigs, dog groomers and more…
Large Clipping and Shearing Machines

Small Clipping Machines

Professional Resharpening Service
24-hour turnaround on most blades, combs and cutters!
We can sharpen:
Fast turnaround!
When most of us need sharp gear, we needed it yesterday. We resharpen most blades and combs in 24 hours. (Allow us an extra day in the hectic summer months.)
Precision finish!
We sharpen most large clipper blades on automated machines. Combs and cutters are sharpened on high-speed grinding wheels by our sharpening experts.
Warning! Blades, combs and cutters can be damaged (and even ruined) during sharpening by those without proper machines or methods.
When sending blades, combs and cutters…
Improperly packaged blades, combs and cutters result in damaged boxes and missing equipment. Not to mention that sharp objects poking out of boxes are a hazard to postal workers. When packaging your items, please ensure all blades are wrapped and secured.
Complete a resharpening order form and send the package to us by mail or other delivery service:
Premier Sharpening Dept. 2031 300th Street Washington, IA 52353